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4 tips for saving on utilities year-round

Whether you're cooling your home this summer or thinking back on those nasty gas bills from heating your home during a harsh winter, the thought of paying your utilities at the end of the month is rarely - if ever - pleasant.


4 tips for planning an affordable road trip

Summer vacations are often characterized by wide open highways dotted with cars packed full of families headed toward far away destinations on road trips to see family, friends or exotic locations. Often the cost of these trips can rack


How to put together a cheap DIY soccer net

Four years have passed since the last time the world gathered to witness the beautiful game play out for a month on countless television sets. The World Cup, soccer's biggest tournament, is back again and it is everywhere. If your


Insure your home for hurricanes without overspending

Hurricane season is here and before the storms ramp up it is a good idea to make sure your insurance will cover damage to your home.According to Florida Weekly, the biggest threat a hurricane poses to your home is flooding. Flood


5 Tips to Make Your Kids' Youth Sports More Affordable

It may cost you hundreds annually so that your 9-year old can play baseball. An editorial in The Acorn claimed that the price of youth sports is climbing at a shocking rate. It claimed that a softball season can run $150, and a youth football


A college graduate's guide to budgeting

Many recent college graduates' knowledge of how to budget their funds ranges from a very faint idea to absolutely nothing at all. So if you fall into that category, you've been working for a couple months and have an idea of your


How to save money on rental cars

Often the arrival of summer comes with a desire to get away. As children begin summer vacation and the weather warms many will be taking advantage of the pleasant months to come after a harsh winter.If you intend to rent a car on your next


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