
5 ways to keep your energy bill in check as temperatures rise

When living paycheck to paycheck, relief from certain expenses could be beneficial. Not paying utilities isn't an option, but there are a few tips you can use to keep your energy bill in check as temperatures rise, such as:

  1. Take advantage of fans: Blasting the air conditioner is a sure fire way to have a high energy bill in the hot months. If you want to limit the amount of time you have to utilize the A/C, U.S. News & World Report recommends taking advantage of overhead fans. These help circulate air throughout the house during the day to keep everyone cool, and are much less costly than running an A/C 24 hours per day. This doesn't mean you can't use your A/C, but it limits the amount of time you have to leave it on, as fans will circulate your home's cool air. 
  2. Use the energy saver option: In areas that have scorching spring and summers, fans may not do the job. If you have to use the A/C, Investopedia says you should switch on the energy saver option. This is especially important when you leave your house, as it enables you to keep your home cool without using too much energy. If you turn the A/C off when leaving, it uses a lot of energy when you return to re-cool your house, which can be costly. 
  3. Close doors: Unless you're using the entire house there's no reason to keep it all cool. That said, it could save you money to close doors and vents to rooms that aren't in use. If you're watching a movie in the living room, your basement shouldn't be stealing cool air. Take the 5-10 minutes to close doors and vents to see your energy bill remain in check. 
  4. Keep lights off during the day: Having lights on burns electricity. So, when you can take advantage of natural light, it may help to leave your lights off. This move could help you significantly reduce your electricity bill, as you're reducing the amount of hours your lights are on each day. Also, keeping lights off can help keep your home cool, potentially reducing the amount of energy your A/C uses. 
  5. Get your A/C inspected: An inefficient A/C can cost you a lot of money, which is why you should have it inspected before temperatures get too hot. Inspectors are able to ensure that the system is leak free and operating at highly efficient levels. It is also important to clean air filters. This could help keep your energy bill in check, as your A/C won't have to work as hard to keep your house cool. 

Most people can benefit from a reduction in essential expenses, especially if you're living paycheck to paycheck. Before unbearable temperatures arrive, consider the above tips to help prevent your energy bill from getting out of control this spring and summer. 

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